1895 American Bar-Tender by R. C. Miller


SEE PAGES r to 6.

157. Eau de Quatre Graines. lb. of fennel-seed. ^ lb. of celery-seed. lb. of star anise-seed. ^ lb. of dill-.seed. Ground; macerate for 24 hours with 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent, and 3^ gallons of water. Distil from off the water 3 gallons of fine flavored spirit; then add 20 pounds of sugar, dissolve in gallons of water. Filter.

158. Eau de The.

I lb. of hyson tea. ^'ib. of souchong tea.

Ground and macerate for 8 days with three gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent, and 4% gallons of water, strain, press and filter; then add gallons of white plain syrup. 160. Eau Verte Stomachique.

3 ounces of coriander-seed. 114 do. star anise-seed. 3 do. angelica seed. ii/^ do. cloves. 3 drachms of Spanish saffron. 6 do. Peruvian balsam. 13^ ounce of Ceylon cinnamon. 6 drachms of carrot-seed. 18 accajou nuts. 3 do. mace.

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6 drachms of rosemary.


6 oranges, the yellbw rinds only.

6 lemons, ,




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