1895 American Bar-Tender by R. C. Miller


29. Glasgrow Punch. Melt lump-sugar in cold water, with the juice of a couple of lemons, passed through a fine hair^stramer Sis is sherbet, and must be well mingled. Then add old Jamaica rum-one part of rum to five of sherbet. fS a couple of limes in two, and run each section rap dV ariund the edge of the jug or bowd, gently sSSJg m some of the delicate acid. This done, the punch is made. Imbibe. 30. Regent's Punch. (For a party of twenty.) .yhe ingredients for this renowned punch are:— , 3 bottles champagne, do. Hockheimer.

do. Curafoa. do. Cognac, do. Jamaica rum. do. Madeira. do. Seltzer, or plain soda-water. 4

es lemons, rock candy, and in-

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31. Regent's Punch. (Another recipe.) _ .. plM, »cl.. Strong hot gteo tea,letnon jutce and capill.ire.* Curapoa. . botti. of chantpagnet »ia, »

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