1895 American Bar-Tender by R. C. Miller



Distil over to 50 per cent; then mix 3 pints of white plain syrup and as much water as to get 10 gallons. 34. Brandy, Blackberry.

ounce of cinnamon. cloves.

do % do do Ground to


cardamon. a coarse powder; add to 16 pounds of

black berries, mashed, arid 5 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent. Macerate for two weeks, press it; then add 10 lbs. of sugar, dissolve in 33/^ gallons of water. Filter.

35. Brandy, British.

1 ounce of catechu. }4 drachm of vanilla, finely powdered. Add I gallon of fine good Cognac and 9 gallons of pure proof spirit. Color pale or dark. Brandy, Calamus. 36.


drachm of oil of lemon. ^ ounce of oil of calamus. S drops of oil of coriander.

Dissolve in 4^ gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent; then add 5 gallons of water, and ^ gallon white plain syrup. Flesh color with tincture of saffron atid cochineal. 37. Brandy, Carminative.

5^ drachms of oil of calamus. 16 drops of oil of anise-seed. 32 do do orange. 16 do do coriander. 16 do do lemon balm.

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