1895 The Mixicologist (First Edition) by C F Lawlor

52 THE MIXICOLOGIST. bottle of Claret; slice in two lemons and two oranges, also some pineapple ; pour in the claret; mix well, and just before serving put in one quart of domestic Champagne. Serve with square piece of ice in the bowl. Creme de Menthe. Fill slierry-glass with fine ice, pour in Creme de Menthe over the ice until glass is full ; serve with one straw in glass. Eggnog in Quantity. Two and a lialf gallons. Separate the whites from the yolks of one dozen eggs, whip them sep- arately—the whites until very stiff, the yolks until very thin ; put the yolks in large bowl, add three pounds powdered sugar, stirring constantly to pre_ vent sugar from lumping, three pints brandy, one pint Jamaica aum, two gallons rich mille. While stirring put in an ounce of nutmeg. If not strong enough to suit, add more brandy, then put the whites on top. When serving, eut off asmall quan­ tity of white and put on top of glass with a dasli of nutmeg. Apple Brandy Cocktail. Fill mixing glass two tliirds full of ice, small bar- spoonful syrup, two dashes Schroeder’s bitters, three dashes Curaçao, one jigger applc brandy. Stir well ; strain in cocktail-glass.

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