1895 The Mixicologist (First Edition) by C F Lawlor



BREWING Is the art of preparing an exhilarating or intoxi- cating beverage by means of a process of fermenta­ tion. In the modem acceptation of the word, brewing is the operation of preparing beer and aies from any farinaceous grain, chiefly from barley, wliich is at first malted and ground, and its ferment- able substance extracted by warm water. This infusion is evaporated by boiling, hops having been added to preserve it. The liquor is then fermented. The art was known and practiced by the Egyp- tiaus many hundred years before the Christian era, and afterward by the Greeks, Romans, and ancient Gauls, from wkoni it lias been handed down to us. Ail countries, whetlier civilized or îavage, hâve, in every âge, prepared an intoxicating driuk of some kind. Great care must be taken when buying for malting, for sometimes the grain is doctored by kiln-bleaching, or dried at too great a beat. Sev- eral samples, too, may be mixed, in wliich case they will not grow regularly, as heavier barley generally requires to be longer in steep ; and the grains, broken by the drum of the threshing-machine being set too close, spoil a sampie. Tliose eut into sections will not germinate, but in warm weather putrefy, as is évident from their blue-gray and moldy appearance

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