1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor


occupy while they talk. Sometimes placing glasses of water before th em will break the ice on the sub– j ect. D on 't use a wet glass if there is a dry one to be had. Don 't forget to serve your effervescent drinks last iii waiting on a party. Don 't fail to dine at Burdick's. Don't fail to have your laundering done by Snow Flake Laundry. Don 't forg-e t Oskamp, Nolting & Co. 's great jewe lry ho use. Don 't forget popu lar Dan Murphy. Don 't fai l t o stop at the Burnet H ouse. TO THE PUBLIC.

Practical O~tician.


'TIS NATURAL TO SEE, bu t how few see well. Get your specta– cles and eye-glnsses from us, and hnvc comfort. Get th e Eclipse Eye– Glnss. It Eclipses them nil. F ield ancl H1Lce Glnsses for the rnces. The l11rge>t nncl li 11est line of Opera-Glasses in the ci ty.

37 East Fifth Street, CINCINNATI, 0.

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