1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor



, thirds full of shaved ice, one jigger Old Tom g in ; shake well; strain in thin lemonade-g lass; fill with club soda; stir.

Irish Cocktail. (Use large glass.)

Take 1 lump ice. 2 drops Schroeder's or Boker's bitters. Yz naggin Irish whiskey. r bottle C. & C. g inger ale. This is a very palatable drink, and is the favorite of the Irish members of Parliament.

Dutch Cocktail. (Use large goblet.)

One third full of beer. One bottle ordina ry minera l water. This is a very good drink for s topping thirst. It is universally known.

Chocolate Cocktail. (Use large lemon ade g lass.)

Fill with ice . Take r barspoonful of sugar. I egg. Yz jigger ma riaschino. Yz jigger chartreuse. Shake well, and strain in cocktail-glass.

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