1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor

'l'HE i\IIX I COLOGI ST . 49 " ' Oh, t ake something,' they said; 'take some milk.' "' ~vVell, I g uess a glass of m ilk would go sorter good,' said h e. " Some one suggested kumyss, and told him wha t it was. As they d id not have a ny k umyss in the place they gave h im some milk and seltzer. That 's about the same thing . One of the boys gave the bartender a wink, and he p ut a dash of whiskey in it. The old man did not get on to it at all. H e thought it was the seltzer that flavored it . The n ext round the seltzer was left out a ltogether and more whiskey put in. T hey kept on giving it to him until he got p retty well set up. It's a very insidious and seductive d rink. P retty soon the countryman got funn y at'ld t ipped his glass over on the table. As it spread around he said : "'Gosh , it look s like white p lush , don 't it? ' "' So it does,' said the boys. 'Give the gentle– man another yard of white plush, here ; ' and the name has stuck to it ever since." Kentucky Toddy. Same as old-fashioned toddy, adding little lemon– peel. Pony Brandy. T o serve pony b randy properly, t ake whiskey g lass, set it on counter t op downwards, place pony on top, place 1 small lump ice in a whiskey glass:

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