1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor


l. 1 TRO D UCTO I< Y.

Also, in thi s introductory, I feel it my duty; to thank my friends for in fo rmat ion received for thi s little book, among them being Mr. J ohn H . Kuhn, steward of the Grand Hotel; Mr. Wi ll V . Z imme r ; Messrs. Brach and Su lli van, Lou isvi ll e Hotel; and Mr. Frank Holicker, Burnet Hou se , h op ing it will be found useful, not only to the saloo n , but to others. R ecipes, e tc., will b e readily fou nd by index. R es pectfully, THE AUTHOR.


Mr. Chris.F. L awlor, the "·ell -known mixicologi st, has written a b o o k o n the a rt of creatin g decoctions, in te n d - 'ed to create an d sat isfy an art ist ic taste, a nd a palate that cra,·es so m e – thing new. He ca ll s his book" The Mixicologi st; o r How to Mix Al l Kinds of Fancy D rin ks; an U p·to – Date Recipe Book." I t a lso conta in s many r ecip es on c ooking. Mr. Law– lor was , until recently, the ch ief b ar- t e nder at the G rand "H o te l, and n ow at Burn et I-I ouse.-Times -Sta1-, S ep - tember, 1895.

LAWLOR AS AN AUTHOR . As a prince o f rni x icologis ts C . F. Lawlor, o f the Bu rn e t Il ouse , has a national reputation ; it on ly r e mained fo r him to wr ite a book to gain im– mortality. This h e h as done, and in the d e dication the s to ry of its con– te nts is told. It has been p r epared , as the autho1- s ays , for those who patron· ize the best barrooms, win e r ooms, and c lubrooms , so that they may know wh a t is really g o od , and when and where they ca n get it. The recipes it contains a r e full, com pl e t e , and u p to date.-Enq1ti1-er, S cp t r 111ber . 18:1,>.

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