1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor

ESTABLI SHED 1840. rne Josepn B. Peebles' sous co. JOSEPH S. PEEBLES, PRES'T. GRODEilS, WINE IDERDHHNTS, AND IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS. Agents for th e famous" EL PRINCIPE DE GALES" CIGARS for twenty-five years. Nothing finer made.

Largest Handlers of WH(SKI ES In tbe Un1'ted States. Pu re, Hipe, Old, Mellow

We are the Distillers • Authorized Bottlers of Mellwood and Normandy Whiskies. With eacb cnse of PEEBLES'" OLD CABINET" we furui sb gratis 12 "Old Nick" Corkscrews, wh ich r etnil for 50 Cents ench, and with five cnses we furnish the handsomest picture ever seen by the whisky trade. It is lithographed on gloss in eigh teen colors. Hote l Supplies a Specialty. Write for 'l'rnde Price-List.


P. S.- PEEBLES are al so J\gents for SCHROEDER'S COCKTAIL BITTERS, estab_:; lished over 50 years. 69

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