1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor



after first determining to be moderate, you should find out which beverage you are suited for. One good test is to examine the tongue in the morning after d rinking. If it is coated after drinking beer, and not coated after . drinking whiskey, leave beer alone. If it is coated after drinking whiskey, but not after drinking b eer, leave whiskey alone. If it is coated after drinking both , leave both alone.

In the year 1780 the State Legislature of ) fnssacbuset ts passed th e following resolution : " Inasmuch as the manu facture of strong beer, ale and other malt drin ks promotes the p u rposes of ag ricultu re, .trad e a nd commerce ; since they promote th e cultivation of such g rains ns are adapted to our soil and cli mate, anrl since th ey th ereby nt the same time produce a valua ble a rticle of expo rt, and because m alt liC]uors, on account of their wholesom P. qunl· ities, strongly recommend themselves for gea crnl use : s in ce they form im portnnt menus for the preservation of the h0alth of the citizens of this State, and protect a nd guard ngninst the harm ful eflects of ' tronger liquors; therefore. be it Resolved thnt all brewers who make yenrly more than one h undred barrels of beer shall be free from iaxes a nd d uties for five years," 'f h is is such a great contrast between then and now thnt ev ery sensi– ble mnn must see bow foolish the views of th e present temperan ce fan – a tics are, compared with the views of their forefa thers. Reform Movements would have better prospects o f success if th ey would d irect their attentiOJl to ind uce the people to drink on ly pure bevernges li ke the brew of The Ch ristian Moerlein Brewing Co., brew– ers of fin e beer exclusively, and not ord innry corn brew, which a re only good to fi ll up. F ine beer, like Moerlein 's, is d rank m oderately. If this class of beer was used exclusively th ere would be b u t little d runken– n ess , and prohi bition lnw would be n nnecessnry.

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