1895 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor



CORDIALS. Kirschwasser , a spirit from b lack cherries, in great demand th roughout E urope, is becoming abundant in the United Sta tes, and equal to any in Europe. Kirsch is an excelle nt digesti\·e and tonic fo r throat, lungs and entire system; used i11 sorbe ts, etc. A punch of kirsch, coffee, suga r a nd ice-water makes a delicious drink in warm ,,·eathe r. Benedictine, di stilled at Fecamp , Normandy, is a very famous old cordial, orig inally prepared excl u s– ively by the Benedictine 111 0 11 ks, bu t s ince the French Revolution it h as b een made by a secular company. It is known pri ncipall y as a geni tia l stimulant. Chartreuse is a tonic cordial-, very paJatable, a nd highly esteemed for its stomachic and ant ifebr ile virtues. It is prepared by the di stilla tion of var iou s aromatic plants, especiall y n ettles , growing in the Alps, carnations, absinthium , and the young b uds of the pine tree. There are three kinds, g reen , yellow, and white.

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