1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

B00KS ON CARD GAMES. Blackbridge's Complete Poker Player. A Practical Guide- Book to the A.meric&n National Game; containing mathematical and ox– perimcnt1>l analyses of the prob1>bilitles of Draw Poker. By JoHM BLACABKIDGE, Actuary. '.L'his, as its title implies, is an exhaustive treatise on Drnw Poker, giving minute and detailed fafo~m1>tion on the various chances, expectations, possibilities z.nd proba.~nlitiee that can occur in all stages of the gn.me, with directions and advice for successful _Play, de– duced from actunlpractice and experience, and founded onprec1semath· ematical data. Small quarto, 112 pages, paper•. •.... •.••••..••..SO ets. Bound, cloth ......••.. . .. .. ........•.•...•..... .• ...•••.••••..•••. si.oo Proctor on Draw·Poker. By Prof. RrcaAIID A. Pnoaron. An mteresting Treatise on the Laws and Usages which govern the Game of Draw-Poker with Practical Remarks upon the Chances and Probnbilitios of the Gam~ and a Critical Analysis of the Theories and Statistics ad· vanced by Bl;.ckbridge 1>nd other writers, and especially in regard to their doctrines relating to cumulative recurrences•..•••.•.•• •.•...• , .. 16 ct&. Talk of Uncle George to his Nephew About Draw Poker. Contaming valuable suggestions in connection with this Great American Game; also instructions and directions to Clubs and Social Card Parties. Illustrated. P1>per. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . ••. . •..•.. 26 cts, How Gamblers Win; or, The Secrets of Advantage Play· ing .Exposed. Being" complete and scientific expose of the manner of ~layu1g hll the numerous advantages in the various Oard Games, as prac– tised by professional ga.mhlers. '.L'his work is designed as a warning to self-confident card.players. Boards ... ...•.•••...••••.••••.••... 60 eta. The Thompson Street Poker Club. A true and authentic record of the astonishing poker play perpetrated by this notorious "Culled" Club with their peculiar bands, nncl summarily simple mode of settlements, portraying the peculiar humor, oddities and extrava– gances of the Negro in his happiest vein. Profusely illustrated by E. W. Kemble, in his most wirth-provokillg style . ..... . .. .• .. ..•• ...•.. 26 eta. The Mott Street Poker Club. Being the Secretary's Min. utcs of each session of this celebrated Chinese Club from its founda– tion to its close: a full revelation of its proceedings. and the lndicrou1 Incidents arising from the eccentric ways of playing adopted by the guile. less members of the club, and the astounding poker hands held by the tricky '' Heathen Chi nee." Profusely illustrated by Michal Woolf.. 26 et.s. Draw-Poker for Poker Players. A Condensed Treatise on the Game, explaining the Technical Terms used, the relative value of the Hands, l\nd complete directions for successful play, mcluding Schenck'• Rules. Vest pocket size, illustrated...• , ......................... 16 ci.. How: to Win at Draw-Poker. Showing, by simple mathe- 1Pa~1ca1 dntn, n!l tho chances of improving the Iianrty of young people........ .30 els.

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