1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

MODEL SPEECHES AND SKELETON ESSAYS. Ogden's Model Speeches for all School Occasions. Con· talnlng Original Addresses and Orations on everytblng appertaining to Bchool Life: comprising 8et 8peecues on all occasion• connected 'l\ith Schools, Academics and Oolleges, for School Officers, as well as tor Teachers and Students of bot.11 sexes, with appropriate replies. By Ohristol Ogden. Thie orlgtnal work contains over one-bundred telling speeches and replies In well-chosen words, and every variety of style, for • .All Kinds of School Ceremonials. I Burt.sque Spu.cl1es. Speuha on Opening and Dedicating Ad

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