1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

COMPOSITION AND LANGUAGES. Live and Learn; or, One Thousand Mistakes of llaily Occurrence in Speaking, Writing and Pronunciation, Corrected an.d Exlllained, There are hundreds ot persons who are sensible ot their deffclenclea on many porn ta connected with the Grammar of their own tongue, and who, by self-tuition, may correct such deficlenclee. Ii Corrects ancl &plains 1,000 ~/is- It sh0101 all ~he current. improprittiu taka o/Daily Occurrencc in Spuik- of .•:z:pres:ion and gtve1 rute• for ing, W rit'ing an.ct Pronunciation. their correction. ,It E:z:plain• the mamy Perple:z:ing It gives clear rulesfor tho use ofCapi· · point.s that occasion d.iffu:ulty to tho ta ls and Italics. · 1tudent. . It givesplain, gonoral rules for spol/.. ,lt •"'Flaim most of the Lalin ancl ing, French words ana phrasrs of fr•· It gives detailed instruct I omfor 1orit- qumt occurrence in mwspaper:. •no f or the Press in tho various de- Jt •hows how to punctuate amt para- partment.s ofnow.tpaper and general graph correctly. literature. 218pages, papsr..................................................30 <"ta. Bound in boards.................................................. 60 ct8. Walker's Rhyming, Spelling and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language. To which is added critical and practical Observations on Ortliol(r:ipby, Syllabication, l'rc>nuncintion, an llldex ofAllowable Rhymes, with Authorities for their u sage, etc. Roya.l 12mo, 700 pages ... .... . .................... .. ... . .......... . $3.00 How to Write a Composition. 'l'he use of this book will save tbs student the m any boars of labor too often wasted in trying to write a plain composition. It affords a perfect skeleton of one hundred and seventeen differout subjects, with their divisions clearly defii.ed, Bild eaeh heading fillecl in with t.he ideas which the subject sugl(ests; so that all the writer has to do, in order to produce a good composition is to en· large on them to suit bis taste. 178 pages, paper .... .. .......... .30 <'ls. Bound in boards ........... . .......... . ........................... 60 cts. The Poet's Comp:mion. A Dictionnry of all Allowable Rhymes in the English Langual(e. This gives the P erfect, the Imperfed and Allowable Rhymes, and will enable you to a•certain to a certainty whether any word can be mated. It ls invaluable to any one who d e>ires to court the Muses, and is used by some of the best writers. ..... ::..6 cts. Mind Your Stops. Punctuation made plain, and Composition slmpli.lledfor Readers, Writers and talkers . . ..................... 12 els. Thim.m's French Self-Taught. A new syAtem on the most almple princlplos, for universal ~elf-Tuition, with En~li•h-pronuuciation of every word. By this system the acqnirem~n t of tile French Lani::uage ie rendered Iese laborious and more thorough than by auy of U 10 old methods. IlyFranzThimm . ......................... . . .... ..... . 26 <'ls. Thimm's German Self-Taught. Uniform with "French Self. Taught." and a;ranioe? in accordanr.e ~lrh the same principles of tho" oughnessand s1mplic1ty. By FranzTbimm . .....................25 cts. Thinun's Spanish Self-Taught. A book of self-instruction in the Spanish Language, a.rran1rnd a.ccording to the same m ethod as tha ••Fren ch" a nd·· Gerrnnn," by the snme author, and uniform with them in •ize. By Franz Thimm....... . . ..... . : .... ..... ....... .. ..... 26 eta. Thinun's Italian Self-Taught. Uniform in style and size with the three foregoing boob. B7 Franz Thlmm,. ....... ;,....26 c:&e,

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