1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)
LETTER -WRITERS. Dick·s Common Sense Letter Writer. Containing Three HUlldred and Sixty Sensible Socio.I and Bue!ness Letters with appropriate &.nswers on the followfug subjects: .Ut~• ofIntroduction. Letur1 of Apology. Soliciting and Granti11g l!'avort. LctUr.' of &monstrance and Com· .Acc<>mpanyi'llg Gift•. p/,a1nt. . Ackoowledging Gifts and Favors. Letters of Love and Couruliip. LcUcrs of C<>ngratulation. · Letter• of Imntation and Acccplanct. Lctt'.:ri of Sympathy and C<>ndoli>nce. Forms of Cards of ln11ilation. An1wer1 IAJ Advertilemenu for Help Notes ofPostpo11ement. WanUd. Nous Offering Esc<>rt. Inquiriu about -and ~ecommendations Letter• to Landlords and about Boartl of Characl
friendly, affectionate. polite and bu•it•eso correspondence. and mies for– pnnctnatlon and spelling, with complete rules of Etiquette and the usage• of Society. An excellent hand-book for reference. Bound 1n board1.. .. .. . ... .............. .... .. . .. .. , """"""' .•40 «a,
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