1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)
CHESS AND CARD GAMES. Mortimer's Chess Players' Pocket-Book. A complete and handy Manual of all the known Openings and Gamb!~, with a thorou_gh analysis of each, its v..riatious and defense, the more mtricate of which are instructively earned out beyond the openmg moves . By James Mortimer. The special feature of this work ls. the manner In w~c~ the notation Is e.rran!led in tabular form, by which gra..ter perspicruty Is gained for study, aud so reduces the bulk that it can e11Bily be carried In the pocket for ready reference. Thie book is. emphatically endorsed by all the la..dlng Cheas Critics. Cloth, pocket SlZe•••••••••••••••••• 50 eta. Gossip's Chess-Players' Text Book. It introduces a. pre. limlnary Game, elucidated step by step for the instruction of beginners. It gives e. foll and extended aualys!.s of e.11 the Openings and G-.J.mbite iD geuetul use, with Illustrative Games analytically explained, and a num– ber of interesting End-Games and l::!tr,.toglc positions calculated to afford advanced players a more thorough insight Into the Intricacies of the
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