1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

POPULAR HAND-BOOKS. Dick's. Home Made Candies; or, How to Make Candy in theKitchen. Containingcomplete Directions for making all the newest a.nd ruost dellcio~M Cream. Confectio11s , with boiled sy rup, or b y the French method without boiling : also the best.receipts for all the favor– ite Candies, Bon -bons, Ola.ces, Ca.r nruele, Taffy, etc., wit.n perfectly h armless flavorings and colorings, including all the in formation for syrup·boiling, clarifying, sud the use of u tensile, n ecessary to insure the m ost successful results..... • ..... . ...•• • . . ... . . .... . . ....... ..•. . 2~ ets. Confectioner's Hand·:Book. Giving plain an d practical direc– tions for making Confectionery, Containing u pward of three hundred Recipes, consisting of directions for making u.11 sorts of Candies, J ellies Comfits, Preserves, Sugar Boiling, Iced Liquors, Waters, Gum, Paste and Candy Ornamen ts, Syrups: l'liarme.lades, Essences, Fruit, Pastes, Ice Creams. Icings, Meringues, Chocolates, e tc,, etc. A complete Hand-Book of the Confectioner 's Art. P rice.......... ... . . ...... . .... . ... ... 2~ cts. The Amateur Trapper and Trap-Maker's Guide. A com– plete and c"refullyprepared treatise on tbe art of Trapping, Snarin g and Netting. This com prehensive work is embellished with fifty engraved illnstrntlons ; and these, together with the clear expla.na.tions which ac– company them, willenable anybody uf m odemte compr ehension to make and set any of the traps described. It also girns the b aits usually em– ployed by the most successful Hunters and Trappers, an d exposes their secret m ethods of attracting and catching anima.le, birds, etc;.., with scarcely a pos sibility offa.ilu re. Large 16mo, paper .•.•• . •. ..... . ~O eta. Boards.... ....... . .... . .. .. .. . .. ' . ... .. . . .. .. . . ....... .... . ...... 7 6 eta. Rarey & Knowlson's Complete Horse Tame:r and Farrier. ANewa.nd lmproved Edition, containing: Mr. Rn.rey's Whole Secretot Subduing nnd Brea.king Vicious Horses; His bnproved plan of Mannging Youn g Colts, and Breaking.them to the Saddle, to Harness and the Sulky; Rules for Selecting a. Good Hors~ and for F eeding Horses. Also theCom– plete Farrier or Horse Dortor; b<-ing the result of fifty years' extens ive 1Jractico of the nu th or, John O. KnowIson, during his life an English F&r· r!er of high popularity ; containing the latest discoveries in the cu reol Spavin. illustrated with descriptive en gr!'vings. Boards, cloth..6 0 cts• .Rolberton's Art ofAngling; or , How and Where to Catch Fi9iJ., Apractical Hand-Book for learners in everything that pertains to the art of fishing witb Rod and Rcf'l. By Wakeman Holberton, Fully illustrated. It dPscribes the speoia.l m ethods and app liaJ.JcPs requlsite te ca.tch each variety of the finny tribe, a.nd the most favorable localities ti> find them ; with practical hints on camping out. nece•sary outfit, and th~ best choice otnppa.mtus and ho.its, etc. Oloth, fiexible... .••••••. ~O eta The Amg,teur Printer ; or , Type-Setting at Home. A thol\ ough and complete instructor for the amateur in all the details ot tno Printer's Ar t . J?iving pra.ctica..l infor~ati?n in regard to t;,:pe, ink, pa.pe1 and all the implemen ts reqm.• lle, with illus trated directions for usin1 them in o. proper m anner. Pu.per.. .. .... .... . . . . .... . .. ..... . .. . ::~ eta the Painter's Hand-Book . A thorough Guide to all tha.i p ertains to internal and external p lain a.nd tasteful House-painting. H explains tbe natu re of the pigm ents or mo,terials in genera.I u se, the beet metho

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