1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

.POPULAR RAND-BOOKS. The Hunter and Angler. A handy Manual of Hunting, Trnpping, and Anallng\_wit~ Valuable Uinta 111 regard to Guns, Rods, Game, F ish, nnd Bnit.•; Fnclumm: mstrucuons for !.he care nnd Medical Treatment or Dogs. lt gives "'Ood advice in tbe choice of guns, rillcs, and their neces– sary ammunition for the different purposes for which they are employed ; also n description of the doo-s used for sporting, with their treatment in health and •ickness. It incluties advice and instructions for ;he nee or fish– ing rods and their oppnrtenunces, with the ~est llies and baits _for altracting the various kinds of fishes. Also a de;cr1pt1on of the most reliable and suc– cessf ul tra ps and snares for animals and birds, with npproprinte baits. Illns- trntcd. Large 16mo. ... . . .. . . . ..... . . . . .. ....... . . . ...... . .. . . .25 ets, The Taxidermist'i; Manual. Containing complete Instruc– tions in the Art of T nxidermy, with directions how to Prepare, Mount. and Preserve all kinds of Birds. Animals and Insects. By Graham Allen. Pro- fusely illustrated. Large 16mo . .. . .. . .... .... .. . .. . ... :• . .. . . .. ...25 ets, Bvrum. The House of Wisdom, or Solomon's House. A. correct narrative, in accordance w1lh the latest changes made by au– thority. describiur: accurately the progress of a Candidate through the three Masonic Degrees of r.he Blue Lodge, and told in symbolic cipher for the guidance of tl.t~ initiat~d. By A. '.l'ylor. Illustrated by Diagrams. Bound rn leather, pocket-book style .. ... •. .. . . . • . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . $3.00 Roberts' Ritual of the Knights of Pythias The Re– vised Ritual '.for Subordinate Lodges adopted by the Supreme Lodge .August 29, 18e2. Edited by Dougfas Roberts. lllustrnted by Diagrams' It includes the Opening and Closing Ceremorues · Official VisitB · and the Initiation into the Ranks of Page, Esquire, and Knight. ' P aper c_overs .... .. .. ... . . ... · · .. ...... .. . ..... .. .. . ........... 5 O ets. Bound m cloth . ......... .. . . ........... . . .. . ...... .. .... . . . . .. . .$ 1.00. Dick's Speeches for Tiny .Tots. Containing a selection of P ieces specially adapted for qutte young and very small children, nil easily me111orized, and entirely withm the scope of the smallest per– formers ; including abort EP.ilogues and Si:ieeches of Welcome for the opening and closing of a Cb1ldren's Entertainment. Paper covers.. . .. . . . . . . . . . · · · · · .. .. · · . . .. ·. .. . . ... .. . . .. .. t 5 ets. Donovan's Science of Boxing, with Rules and Articles on Training, Generalship in the Ring, an? kindred subjects. By Prof. lllike Donovan, ex-Middle-Weight Champion of America, and Instructor of Boxiug, New York .Athlet19 Olub. . ThtS work contains fifty-eight benu– tifully·executed half-tone tllustrnt1ons of the Professor and a skilled antagonist, photo

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