1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

HUMOROUS BOOKS. Dr. Valentine's Comic Lectures; or, Morsels of Mirth for the Melancholy. Containing Comic Lectures on Heads. Faces, Noses and Months; Comic Lectures on Animal MagueLi•m ; Burlesque Speci– mens of l:ltump Eloquence ; Trnnsu.cLions of Learned Societies; Comical Delineation of Eccentric Oharacters : Amusing Colloquies and Mono- logues. With twelve portraits of Dr. Valentine iu charncler ... . ..30 els. Mrs. Partington's Carpet-Bag of Fun. Containing the Quear Sayings of Mrs. Partington, and the Funny lJoings of her remark– able Son Isaac. Also the most amusing collection extant of PlayfulPuns, Phunny P.oems, Pleasing Prose, Popular Par odies, and PolilicJu Pasquin– ades, Rhymes Without Henson and Reason Without Rhymes, Anecdotes, Conundrums, Anagrams, eto. Illustrated. Paper ..• .... ... . .....30 eta. Yale College Scrapes; or, How the Boys Go h. at New Ho,ven. This is a book of 114 pages, containing accountSof nil the famous "Scrapes " and " Sprees " of which students of Old Yale have been guilty .for the Inst quarter of a century ... . .. . ... .. . ... . .. . . . ... ... . .... . 2~ eta. Chips From Uncle Sam's Jack-Knife. Illustrated with over 100 Comical Engravings, nnd comprising a collection of over 600 Laugh– ·. able Stories, ~nnny Adventures, Comic Poetry, Queer Conundrums, Ter– rific Puns and Sentimen tal Sentences..•..........•••..•.• •... . . . 2~ eta. Fox's Ethiopian Comicalities. Containing Strange Sayings, Eccentric Doings, Burlesque Speeches, Laughable Drolleries and Funny - Stories, by the celebrated Ethiopian Comedian Qha.rles Fox .......10 cts. Ned Turner's Circus Joke '.Book. A collection of the best Jokes, Bon Mots, Repartees, Gems of Wit and Funny Sayings and Doings of the celebrated Equestrian Clown a.nd Ethiopian Comedian, Ned Tumer................. ... .. .. ................................... 10cts. Ned Turner's Black Jokes. A collection of Funny Stories, Jokes and Qonundrnms, with Witty Sayings and Humorous Dialogues, e.s given by Ned Turner . ........ . .. . ... . ....... . .... . ..... . .........10 eta. Ned Turner's Clown Joke Book. Dontainingthe best Jokes and Gems of Wit, composed and delivered by Ned Torner.••.••.. •10 cts. Charley White's Joke Book. Containing a full expose of nil the most Laughable Jokes, Witticisms, etc., as told by the celebrated .Ethiopian Comedian , Charles " hite ..... . .. . . .. . ... . .• , ••.••• , ..• 1 O eta. Black Wit and DM"ky Comersations. Containing laugh– able Anecdotes, Jokes o.nd Darky Conversations......•••••••.••••10 eta. Broad Grins of the Laughing Philosopher. This book is full of the drollest a.nd queerest incidents imaginable interspersed with jokes, qua.int sayings and funny pictures ..•. . ....•• , : .... . .. . .. . 13 cl!!. Very, Very Funny. Containing the Cream of the best funny things published in "Puck", "The Detroit Free Press" "Norristown H erald," ,. Peck's Snn," '' Tex~ Siftings." "Arkanso.w' Traveler," eto. No threadbare jokes, but everythrng fresh a.nd profusely illustrated. I Octs. How to Speak in Public; or, the Art ofExtempore Oratory. ·A v"luable manua.1 for tho.se who desire to become ready otT·hand speakers : containing clear directions how to arrange ideas logically 1>nd quiokly, inoludlug examples of speeehes delivered by some of the !fl'0Bteai cr1t.er1. Paper. ,, ,,' , ,, ,,,,,,. , .. ~, . , , ., ~ .,, .. ,• •i• .,,, •. ,t,,,,, ,, ,, ·11~ ~ti·

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