1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

BANJO AND BALL-lWOM GUIDES. Dick's Quadrille Call-Book and Ball-Room Prompter. NEW EDITION, THOROUGHLY REVISED. The former issue of this 'llopular book bas been so revised and modernized as to mAke this edition virtually a new work. In the Square Dances, the tabulated form for the guiilance ·of the Leader ln Calling Ille l''igures, which originated with this book, has been adhered to, with full directions, thorougbly explained, for performing the Plain Quadrille, tile Prince Imperial, Harlequin, Irish, Ladies' Own, Sur– prise, Prairie Queen, Parisian Varieties, Waltz, and London Polka Qnnd· rilles, including the Fancy Figures of the B~ket, Sociable, St.ar, March, Jig, Cheat, Nine-Pin, Gavotte, aud Minuet Varieties; also the Sara~oga, Tuxedo, Royal, and Waltz Lancers ; the Plam and Waltz Caledoru!llls, and all the popular Contra. Dances. In the Round Dances, a special feature of this edition consists of the In– troduction of the Dodwortb and other newest methods of teaching the steps of the waltz, etc., so thoroughly illustrated by diagrams that they can be perfectly mastered without the need of personal mstrucLion. In this manner are clearly described the Waltz, Galop, the Plain, Glide, and Heel-and-Toe Polkas, Military Schottische, New Varsovianna, the Yorke, Caprice, Berlin, and Minuet. The "German" Introduces over One Hundred of the newest and most popular Figures, fully described, and conveniently grouped for ready reference. Every information In regard to the observance of Ball-Room Etiquette, duties of Leaders, and general Instruction is fully and clearly given. Paper covers ............ ... . . . .. .... .. ...... ...... . ............. 5 O cts. Bonnd in ~oarde . .... ............., ....... . ..... . ....... .. . ..... 7 5 cts. How to Lead the German. A perfect Guide for the suc– cessful performance of this popular dance, givini;r full Instructions to the Leader what to do and how t-0 do it, nesiet.iug him by a detailed descrip– tion of over a hundred of the newest and most attractive Figures now rn vogue. Very acceptable ft>r adoption as a Favor. Crushed buckram, gilt top. deckel edge... . ... . ........... ... .. ,. 7 5 cts. Frank Converse's Complete Banjo Instructor Without a ]'da.ster. Containin" a cboi~e collecLion of Banjo Solos and Hornpipes, Walk Arounds, Reefs auq J1~s, Soni;re and Banjo Stories, progres•ivcly arran~ed a:nd plamly explarnea, enablrng the learner to become a proficient banjoist without the aid of a teacher. The necess.ary exphmatione accom– pany each tune, and are placed n:nder_the notes 00 each page The Instructor is illustrated Wllh diagrams and e>.l>lanato~y symbols. • Boards..... ..... .. .. ... .. .. ...... .. ...... . . . ........... .. . . .. .. 60 cts. The Banjo; and How to P~ay it. Containing in addition to the elt!Wentary studies a ~bo1ce .collect1on of Polkas, Waltzes, Solos, Shott1echee, Son"8, Hornp,1pe~, J,1,ge, Reels 1 etc., with full eiqilnnatJons o1 both the "BllDJO" and Grutar styles or execution and de~igned to ~part a com'lllete knowledge of the art of playing the 'Banjo practically, without the aid of a teacher. By Frank B. Converse 16mo, bonnd in boards, cloth Qack....... .... ...... .'. .. .. .. •. .50 cts. Hallowe'en and How to Celebrate it. Containing sug– gesLions for Hallowe'en parties,, quaint notes of lnvitnt.ion bmts for der-0rating the rooms, nud for beuttmg forms and ceremonies and games including the Hnllowe'en Fortune Teller, furnishing abund.{nt material for Hallowe'en entertainments. · . ....... .................... so cts. Hillgrove's Ball-Room Guide and Complete Dancin<>' Master. Illustrated wiLh 176 descdptive Engravinll'B and -.. •.,rams, E'j. l'bos. Hillgrove, Professor of Dancwg. • 1 .-• W!Jlo. bound in bOlll'dB, cloth back... . .. •.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . 7 5 ci..


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