1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

(fYMNA.STICS, CALISTHENICS AND TRAINING. Alexander's Calisthenics and Musical Drill for Little Chil· dren. Oonta!ning Fifty-nine Exercises, with numerous variations, In• troducing slmpie Callathenlcs and :swimming lllotlons, Ring, t:!klpping and Marching Exercises, profusely illustrated, with l'IBno Muaic for every ruovement. · A complete work on Recreatlve Calisthenics for young chll· dren and Primary >ticnl and pr0a gresslve exercises applicable to all the principal apparatus ot a well– appolnt.ed Gymnasium. Profusely illustrated. This work conveys plain and thnrough lnatructign ln the exercises and evolutions taught by the leading Profes•ors of Gymtrnstlcs, so that proficiency ml\y be attained, even without the aM of a Teacher. It al•o offers to Teachers a ready. arranged syet.ematlp course for their gnidance. Cloth.... ........81.00, Dick's Dumb-Bell and Indian Club Exercises, Containing Practical and p~slve ln•trnctlone In the u se of Dumb-Bells, Bar· Bells and Iudll\n Clubs, Illustrated with • ts ehowlng every poelt1011 and mot!o:a of the body ana limbs; Paper.. . . . . . ... ............. .23 eta, flte Lam of Athletics. How to Preserve and lmp,..,ve Health, Strength and Beauty; &nd to Correct Peroonal Defects canst'

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