1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

FREEMASONRY. Allyn's Ritual of Freemasonry. Containing a completeKey to the following Degrees: Degree of Entered Apprentice; Degree of Fel· lowCraft; Degree of Master Mason; Degree or Mark Mwiter; Deirree of Past Master; Degree of Ex:cellent Ma,,ter; Degree of Roya.I Aroh ; Hoyal Arch Chapter ; Degroo of Royal Master ; Degree of Select Master; Degree of Super-Excellent Master; Degree of Ark and Dove: De!1!'ee of Knight• ofConstantinople; Degree of SecretMollltor; Degreoof HeroineofJeri· oho; Degree ot Knighte of '.l!bree Kings; Mediterranean Pads; Order of Knights of the Red Cross; Order of Knights Templar and Knights of M3lta; Knights of the Christian Mark, and Guards of the Conclave; Knights of the Holy Sepulchre; Tbe Holy and Thrice Illustrious Order o! the Cross; Secret Master; Perfect Master; Intimate Secretary: Provo•t and Judge ; Intendant of the Buildings, or Master 1n Israel; Elected Knights of Nine: Elected Grand Master ; Sublime Knighte Elected; Grand MasterArcbite~t; Knights of tbe Ninth Arch; Grand Elect p...,,. feet and Sublime Maeon . illustrated with 38 copper-plate engravings; to which iB added, a Rey to the Phi Beta Kappa, Orange, and Odd Fellows Ser cieties. By Avery Allyn, K. R a. K. T. li. M., etc. 12mo, cloth. . $~.00 Lester's "Look to the East." (Webb Work.) A Ritual of the First Three Dewees o r Masonry. Containing tbe complete work of the Entered Apprentice, F ellow Craft, and Master Mason's Degrees, and thr Entire Cercmonle• or Initiating Passing and Raieing Candldutea, Lectures, etc., all Ritually and Monitoriilly Complete. Edited by Halph P. Lester. Bound in cloth... . . .. . .. .. ...... .. . . .. . .. .. ... ... . .. . ...... ... ... $2.00 Leather tacks (pocket-book style) gilt edges.... . ••••..• .. . .. . .... 2, 50 More 'Light. An entirely new Manual, in accordance with tbe latest usages, of the Three Symbolic De:ee . Profusely Illustrated with .J£xpfanatory Engrav· ~·· Plans of the interior of Lodges, etc. P aper covers . .......... 7~ cts. IJ<; undin irllt..................... ..... ........... . ............... . @l.2~ imd ill lea.Ulor tucka (pocket-book 11tylo)... , ...... , ... , ......... 92.~

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