1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

BOOKS ON CARDS AND OTHER GAMES; The American Hoyle· or, Gentleman's· Hand-Book of Games By "Trumps'. his work bas long since been accorded the position of an exclusive authority ou games played in America. The FIF– TEENTH EDITION, now issued, newly arranged, in now type, contains all the latest novelties, as well as the recent changes In games already in vogue, profnsely illustrated. Among the new games introduced In this edition are Rubicon P!quet, Rubicon B.;z!qile, Graboucbe, Solo Whist, _ Cayenne Whist, Domino Whist, Cinch or High Five, Baccarat Banque and Ba.ccarat Chemin de }'er, etc. In the game of Whist, thenew features o.re ucavendish's" rules for play, with best leads, and a. critical exn.minatlon of the system of"American Leads", elucidated by card !llnstratlone; also, tbe mode of procedure in Duplicate Whist. The various games of llllliards and Pool, with the rules adopted in matches and tournaments. are inserted by permissionof the Bnmswick-Ba.lke-Collenrler Company. The work also includes ~ exposition of the Doctrine of Chances. Library Edition, 614 pages, 12 mo., cloth..........................$1.60 A cheaper edition, 16mo., in paper covers•••••••••••• ••••••••••• .•60 eta. Bonndin boards..................................................76 eta,· Hoyle's Games. By" Trumps". A complete Manual of the games of skill and chance es played In America, and an acknowledged "arbiter on all disputed points"; thoroughly ·revised and corrected In · accordance with the latest and best authorities. It contains the modem laws and complete Instructions for the games ofChess, Draughts, Dom– inoes, Dice, Backgammon, and Billiards, as well as the games with cards . at present In vogue, includln!:! Baccarat, Duplicate Whist, Cayenn~ Whist. Hearts, Grabouche, Newmarket, Solo Whist, Cinch or High Five, etc. Pro!usely!Uustrated. 16mo,614 pages, cloth.......... ...........$1.26 , Bound in boards .......................................... ........7 :S cts. l'apercovere......................................................60 cts • ." Trnmps" New Card Games. Containing correct method I and rules for playing the games of Heart.•, Boodle, New Jl!o.rket, Five o.nd Nine or Domino-Whist, Solo, a.nd Cayenne Whist. Pa.per covers•••26 cts. Dick's Go.mes of Patience ; or Solitaire with Cards. Con- taining Sixty-four Gnmes. Illustruted with fifty explanatory full-pag<' Tableaux. This treatise on Solitaire ~mbraces a number of new ano. original Ga.mes of Patience in. fnvor wi.tb the most experienced players-. '.Each game Is carefully anu luc1dly described, with the rules tobe observ~d and hints as to the bes~ means of snccess in play. The Tableaux f urnish efll.cient aid In rendermg each game easily comprehensible. Quarto, 143 pages. Board cover.... ... .. •.. •... . . . . .. . ......... _ ...... . 7 5 cts. Cloth... .......... · · .. . ... .......... .............. .... .... ... $ 1.00 Dick's Games of;J?~tience; or Solitaire with Cards; Second Series. Contammg all the new Games of Patience, fully illustrated with explanatory Tableaux; uniform with the above. Bonr

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