1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)

MINSTREL JOKES AND STUMP SPEECHES. Dick's Stump Speeches and Minstrel Jokes. Containing Short and side-splitting Negro Acts and F arces, Eccentric Sketches, Stump f>'peeches, Darkey Lectures, End-Men's Jokes :.nd Gags, Burlesque Ser– mons, Funny Dialogues, and everything n ecessary for a. series of firs t clnBB Minstrel Entertainments; including the latest excruciations of modern Negro-Minstrelsy, anti a nnmber of startling originalities, risible rib– ticklers and hysterical button-starters. Paper.•••••••••••••••... .3 0 ci.o. 1 Boundin boards, cloth b ack ..................................... 50 cts. 1 !'ick's Ethiopian Scenes, Variety Sketches and Stump' Speeches. Containing an inexhaustible collection of End-Mec's Jokes.I "gro Jnterludts and Farces: I D~alect Sketches and Eccentricities; ! uh Dialogut3 for Interlocutor and Dialogues and ReparlceforInterlocutor. Banjo; and Hones;· New Stump Speeches: Quaint Bu.rlesqu.e Sermons; Humorow Lectures: Jokes, Quips and Gags. Paper covers . . -•••••••••• • · ••• • .. ••• • ••.••..••••••.••••..• . •••••• 30 eta. Bound in boards, cloth back.····•· .. · ....... . .. . .... . ............ 60 ets. Tambo's End-Men's Minstrel Gags. Containing some of the best jokes and repartees of the most celebrated "burnt cork" performers of our day. Turubo and ~ones lD a ll sor ta. hud m anner of scra.pes. Also containing a i·icb coU~cuon or Darkey Dialogu es, Sketches, Pla ntation Scenes, Eccentric Doings, linmorous Lecuu·es. L au gh able Interludes, Burlesque Stump Speeches, Mirth-provolnng Wiltlcism s, Conundrums, Yarns, Plantation Songs and Dances, etc., etc. Everything new and rich. Paper covers . ....... . · • · · · · · · -· .. · •.. ••• · • . ................ . ..... _ 30 cts. Bound in boarus, cloth ba.ok. •· •••• •............................. . 50 ets. llrudder Bones' Book of Stump Speeches and Burlesque Orations. Aleo containingHumorous Lectures, EthiopinnDialogues, Plan• tat.ion Scenes, Negro F a l'c.ea o.ud Burlesques. Laughable Interludes and Comic Recitations. inters.p srscd with Dutch, Irish. French and Yankee Stories. Tbis hook contams some of tbe b eRt bits and mirth-provoking jokes and repartees of the most celebrated End.Men of the day. Paper covers. Price. ··· · · ······· -·• · · ••· • ........................30 cts. Bound in boards cloth back.·····•····•·.... 50 eta. Howard's Bo~k of Conundrums and. ii"i.ifil~~: .. ~~~~aining over 1.200 of tbe b est Con~ndrnms, Riddles, Enigmas Ingenious Catches and Awusin~ t:lells ever rnvented . This splendid c~llection of curious paradoxes will afford the m aterial for . a never-endin feast of fun and amusement. Any persrm, with the a•s1s tnnce of this 'f, 0 k m ay take tbe lead in entertainin g a cc>mpany, nnd keep them in roars 0 of lausbte1· for hours together. Paper c,w ors · · .. • · .. . ...... 30 els. Bound in boards, cloth back · · · · · · · · ........ •••· • •• · • · • -• · .... · · ::;O cts. Rowan's Riddles and C_onundrums. A -~~~; -~ii-~i~~-~~~hering ot Ancient, Modern, e.nd qmtedreoent.Riddles and Conundrums qne.intlY a,rranged for amusement an m ernmeut on · • · ne A 1lrst-rate pocket companion for Picnics and WinteoppEort1me occas1016 'cts. • r ven1ngs .• · ·· Dfok's Dramatic Remte1~. _A choice and full selected wllection of popular e.nd c1Ioct1ve f uvorite ie care Y verse .oumorous, serious, paLriotic a nd paLbetic, 1f 0 ;esre~tfJ~~e :~g pnbli~ rcadmgs ....... . .. . ..... ·· · -· -· · -- · · · ....... _ 1 5 cts. Dick's J uvenile Svei~ker. ContaininO' ~rl;,:,~~i-~d selected speeches for boys ana girls ond qui te young ~h-I <>" • d vef!'" easilb m emorized nnd suitable for school l dren. lD prose an !El\, oxh1 ltions •' ••••.'.. ' " " .. •.. •' . ' . ••' ' ••••• "-~~- -~~~ • :V.o.~~~1 ~e'tts.

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