1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)




Fill a tumbler half-full with_fine ice, z dashes of gum, a little maraschino, 2 dashes-of bitters, 1 dash of absinthe, 1 drink of whiskey, 1 dash of Jamaica rum, 1 dash of Russian ki.immel. Stir well and strain into a cocktail glass.

21. ~ollnnh ~in

A goblet filled with fine ice, z dashes of gum, 1 dash of absinthe,

1 drink of Holland gin, 2 dashes of orange bitters. (1 dash of green chartreuse may be added.) Stir this well, strain, and serve. 22. ~ollanh' s 1)lri:bt. A mixing glass % full of ice, 3 dashes of gum,

2 dashes of bitters, 1 dash of absinthe, % of Holla~d gin, ~ of vino vermouth.

Stir well, strain, and serve.

23. man'~nttan ([ocktail.

Half a tumblerful of cracked ice, 2 dashes of gum,

2 dashes of bitters, 1 dash of absinthe, % drink of whiskey, ~ drink of vino vermouth.

(A little maraschino may be added.) :;itir this well, strain, and serve.

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