1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)



148. £afo~dte .flip.

Drop into a large glass a fresh egg,

r barspoonful of powdered sugar, r pony of old Rye whiskey, a dash of green chartreuse,

2 dashes of cura<;ao, 2 ponies of cream, a few lumps of ice. Shake this all well, and strain into a fancy glass. i49. .SIJ£rr~ $lip. (FOR TWO.) Into a large glass 2 eggs, · 2 spoonfuls of sugar, )( glass of fine ice,

2 glasses of sherry wine, r small glass of cream. Shake this exceedingly well, and serve. You may add a dash of maraschino. 150. ..forgd--Jlfo-Not. A mixing-glass with ice,

the juice of a lime, a spoonful of sugar, a drink of brandy, a dash of maraschino, the white of an egg.

Shake this well, strain and serve.

151. ..frap:pc a la Qtt\uillautnt.

2 cashes of gum in the bottom of the glass, fill your glass with ice, 1 pony of absinthe, J-f pony of vino vermouth, 2 dashes of anisette. Freeze this to the coldest point, and serve.

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