1896 Fancy Drinks and Poplular Beverages by the only William (paper cover)



211. <1J~c lllcqnicm.

In a mixing-glass an egg,

a spoonful of powdered sugar, 1 pony of brandy, 1 dash of sherry,

1 dash of port wine, 1 dash of maraschino, 1 pony of cream. Fill your glass with ice, shake it and strain into a high cham– pagne glass. 212. .Sans Zouci.


A large glass, with the juice of a lime or lemon, a spoonful of sugar, the yolks of two eggs, fill your glass two-thirds full of ice,

2 ponies of absinthe, 1 pony of maraschino, 1 pony of vermouth, 1 dash of white curac;ao.

Shake this exceedingly well; strain into two fancy wine– glasses, beat up the white of one egg to the form of frozen snow, with some·sugar ; put this on top of your two drinks, and serve with a spoon. 213. <1J~c .Senator. A glass with shaved ice, }i of brandy, }i of maraschino, }i of curac;ao, }i of chartreuse, }i of benedictine, }i of creme de roses. Shake this well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

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