1896 Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages by the Only William



325. 2.rrack ..foam. Mix one quart of sour cream with half a pint of arrack, and four ounces of lump-sugar; beat it to foam, and serve it in glasses. 326. 2.rrack 1PundJ. Rub the peel of three or four lemons on twelve ounces of loaf, sugar, break the sugar, and dissolve it in one quart of strong, boiling tea; add the juice of six or eight lemons, and a pint of good arrack. 327. '.2lnotf1cr. Cut six unpeeled lemons into thin slices; remove their seeds; infuse them in one pint of arrack six hours; take them out care– fully with a fork without squeezing them, then dissolve one pound of lump-sugar in three pints of boiling water, add the arrack, let the beverage get cool, and serve in small glasses. 328. JBccr 1PundJ. Boil one quart of beer with one-fourth of a pound of lump– sugar and a stick of cinnamon; beat four eggs into foam, and mix it with a wineglassful of old Jamaica rum; take the beer from the fire and add to it the mixture while continually stirring it; serve in punch glasses. 329. JBccr

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