1896 Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages by the Only William



371. Qiolb fljoµµclµoµpcl. The yolks of four eggs and a little ground nutmeg are stirred into half a pint of cold, sweet cream, and beaten to a thick foam; add one gill of Santa Cruz rum, and sweeten to taste. 372. fjot f1joµpdµoppcl. One quart of sweet cream and two tablespoonfuls of powder– ed sugar are heated to the boiling-point; into a little milk stir the yolks of four fresh eggs, and beat all to a thick foam; finally add half a pint of rum. Serve in glasses or cups. Instead of cream you may use bo iling water or tea. 373. fljot illinc. Heat one quart of good claret with six ounces of lump-sugar, a stick of cinnamon, six cloves, and the rind of a thinly peeled lemon; let it boil for a moment; strain and serve in glasses. 374. '.lnotl1cr. Boil the rind of a lemon, one-fourth ounce of stick cinnamon, and eight cloves in one pint of water very slowly for half an hour; add two bottles of claret; sweeten all with one pound of lump-sugar; place the well-covered pot in boiling water until the wine boils; strain and serve. 375. 1ljot illine a la .§rnn~ais.e. Boil three bottles of Bordeaux or Roussillon in an enameled pot with one pound of sugar, one-third ounce of stick cinnamon, two or three leaves of mace, and six bay-leaves; take it from the fire, and light it with a burning paper; let it burn for three min– utes, strain, and serve in glasses.

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