1896 Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages by the Only William


479. Qil)Crt!J Bisl)oµ. Remove the pits o f o ne a nd a ha lf quarts of fine sour cherries, brea k one part o f the pits, put the ch erries a nd p its with one pint of wine , o ne a nd a h alf quarts o f wat er, six ounces of sugar , some stick cinnamo n a nd lemo n-peel in a turee n ; let a ll bo il thoroug hly until the cherries a re perfectly soft ; the n sti r a t able– spoonful of corn-sta rc h in cold wat er, mix that , while conti n ua lly stirring, t o the ch erries, let bo il a while, stra in a ll throug h a h a ir– sieve, a nd put o n ice. Whe n serving, a dd broken Zwieba ck, cherries steamed in wine a nd s ugar, s nowba lls of the beat e n whites of eggs, seaso ned with le mo n sugar, etc. 480.


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