1896 Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages by the Only William



499. ([i'Lrrr. C id er is chie fly produced in la rge qua nt1t1 es by pressing a pples with a n a dd iti on o f wa ter ; yet o ne may obta in smaller q ua nt it ies for the family use witho ut t oo g reat t rou ble , by grat ing fi ne, ju icy peeled a pples o n a grat er ; filter the juice thrnug h a cloth , pour it into sto ne ja rs, a nd a dd some roasted a ppl es t o haste n ferme nta tio n. vVhen, a fter a co upie o f d ays, a skin a ppears o n the juice, fe rmentatio n is complet e ; remove the sk in, bottle the cider, a nd keep it in a cool place. La rger q ua ntities o f cider a re obtai ned by mashing good, juicy apples; press them, a nd fill the juice into a small Rhine wine cas k. Place this cask in a cool room u po n a skid, whe n the juice will soo n beg in t o ferme nt; fe rme ntatio n will t ake about a fortni g ht ; during this time remove with a clean piece of linen a ll stuffs thrown to the s urface ; as soon as ferme ntatio n is done fill the cask up with wat e r, bung it well , and let it lie in the cel– lar half a year ; d ecant it into anothe r cask, let it lie for a nother two months, and fill into bottles. 5CJCJ. ([urrant U1in.c. Collect the perfectly ripe cu.:ra nts on a sunny day, clean, and put them in a big earthe n or wooden pot, and mash them with a wooden masher; let ferme nt in a cella r, and strain through a hair-sieve with a wooden spoon; never use your hands; d ecant into a little cask; add to each qua rt of juice ha lf a pound o f powdered sugar, a nd t o each twelve quarts o f ju ice one qu art o f b randy or a rrack ; let the wine stand six weeks, bottle, and use a fter t wo mo nths. 5CJ1. ([urrant lllin.c in tl).c QfoglislJ 5t!)lc. From twelve to fou rtee n qua rts of currants a re mashed, the juice pressed out, and the remna nts covered with e ighteen quarts of cold water ; stir repeatedly, press out again the following day, mix with the juice, and fourteen pounds of loaf-sugar; when the

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