1896 Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages by the Only William



519. lllisrl)ltinli. (CH ERRY WI NE WI T H HONEY A LA RUSSE.)

Into a st ro ng little ca sk, well bound with iron bands, you fi ll ripe so ur ch erries, so that o nly about two inches room is left ; th e n pour slowly over the ch erries clean, white, unbo iled honey con– taining no pa rticles o f wax, a nd fill each empty space between t he cherries with ho ney. As soon as the upper layer of cherries is nearly covered by honey, put the cover tightly on the cask, bung a nd seal well bung-hole a nd lid , o r best cover the entire surface with pitch t o p revent a ny a ir from e ntering; the n sink the cask in sand or earth for three months ; during this time the fermen– tatio n is go ing on; there is g reat danger the cask might burst, unless it be of very strong material. Afte r three months the win e is filtered, bottled, a nd is ready for use.

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