1896 Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages by the Only William



81. QrurkislJ ®range £i~crbct. Peel five or six sweet oranges very carefully, divid e them into pieces, cut ea ch piece aga in in two, remove the seeds a nd the thin skin; put all in a tureen , then pla ce one-fo urth pound of powd e red sugar and the juice of two ora nges in a n enameled pot; stir over a slow fire until it begins to bo il ; take it from the fire, let it get cool, pour it into the turee n, add one quart of co ld wate r, a few drops of orange-flower esse nce, a few lumps of ice, stir well and serve. 82. Wear £ilJcrbct. One o r two pounds of dried pea rs are washed, cut in quarters, free d from seeds and pips, infused in one and a half quarts of boiling wate r in a well-covered tureen over night ; the following day add some sugar, stick cinna mon and lemon-peel; boil until the pears are soft, take them out, strain after cooling, add the pea rs and"soffie lumps of ice, and serve. (In the sa me way it may be prepared from fresh pears.) 83. 1Pcr.sian £ilJcrbct. One pound of ripe, fresh strawberries are mashed in a tureen with a woode n spoon ; add a lemon cut in pieces without the seeds, and a teaspoonful of orange-flower water; pour over it one and a fourth quarts of fresh water, let it stand covered three hours. Strain through canton flannel, press the fruit hard to make them yield a s much juice as possible, add one pound of lump– sugar, stir until the sugar is disso lved, put on ice, and serve. 84. 1P omcgranatc £i1Jcrbct. A few ripe pomegranates are cut in pieces; leave some aside, press the rest through a cloth and boil the juice with the same quantity of water and one-fourth pound of sugar, while continually stirring; boil it to a thick syrup. After it is cool pour it into a tureen, add some fresh water, a few drops of orange-flower water, a few lumps of ice and the fruits you left aside. . . '

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