1896 Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages by the Only William


Hrs. 2llaba3am.

A large barglass,

the juice of Yz lemon, r barspoonful of sugar,

r dash of Seltzer; mix this well; fill your glass % with fine ice, z dashes of curaC(aO, r drink of brandy.

Stir well, strain, and serve.

109. Jr''.Appctit.

A whiskey-glass,

z lumps of ice, % of vino vermouth, ~ of Fernet branca, 1 slice of orange. This drink is much en vogue among southern Europeans.

110. '.Apple JBlo.s.som.

A glass with ice,

4 dashes of gum, a small drink of apple-jack, z dashes of creme de roses. Freeze this thoroughly; strain, and serve.

lll. '.Aprc.s £iouper.


A mixing-glass filled with shaved ice, z d ashes of gum,

1 pony of creme de menthe, Yz pony of maraschino, r small drink of brandy.

Stir this, strain and serve .

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