1896 Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages by the Only William


117. Jre lBon lBoirt.


A large glass with ice,

Yxo of maraschino, Yio of anisette,

Yio of creme de roses, Yxo of creme de vanille, Yxo of parfait amour, Yxo of creme de the (tea), Yxo of celestine, Y, 0 of creme de cocoa, Yxo of fine old brandy, Yxo of Benedictine. Shake well, strain, and serve in fancy glasses.

118. lBralJmapootra.

An egg, and a spoonful of sugar in a glass,

a little lemon-juice; fill your glass with ice; I pony of brandy,

1 dash of creme de roses, 1 dash of creme de mocha, I dash of creme de vanille, a little cream.

Shake well, strain, and serve.

119. JBranb!! <.!Irusta.

A mixing-glass,

a little sugar, a little plain water, enough to dissolve it; fill the glass % full of ice, stir this well; a drink of brandy; mix again. Pare a round, clean lemon; place this on the inside of a wine– glass; strain your mixture into it, and serve.

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