1896 Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages by the Only William




A large glass, with the yolks of two eggs, 2 barspoonfuls of sugar, 1 dash of vino vermouth,

I dash of port wine, 2 dashes of sherry, I Yz drinks of brandy, 2 dashes of maraschino, 1 dash of cura<;ao.

Fill your glass with ice; shake well, strain into two long, thin glasses; crown them with the whites of the two eggs beaten t o a hard consistency, and sprinkle colored sugar on the top of it. 206.

Y7 of yellow chartreuse, Y7 of green chartre use, ~ of brandy, each separate.

Set fire to the brandy, and serve. ·


The white of an egg in the bottom of a glass, the juice of half a lemon, a barspoonful of sugar,

% glass of fine ice, % of Jamaica rum, .}{ of port wine. Shake this for a full minute; strain into a fancy glass, a nd serve.

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