1898 Mixology; the art of preparing all kinds of drinks ..



up mug with boiling water, stirring the

thirds full whiskey; fill

while; nutmeg on top, serve.

Trinity Chimes. Large bar glass two-thirds full of ice, one squirt of syrup, one squirt of vermouth, one squirt of orange bitters, one squirt of absinthe, one squirt of benedictine, one drink of gin; stir, strain, serve fancy stem glass; use cherry if you wish. Jersey Rod and Gun. Small bar glass. One jigger apple jack, one-half jigger good brandy, one spoonful sugar; fill up glass with hot water, nutmeg; stir, serve. Knocker. Medium bar glass. Three squirts lemon, one jigger Santa Cruz, one jigger brandy, one jigger apple jack, cracked ice; stir, serve. Whiskey Dip. Small glass one-half full Scotch whiskey, barspoon pine- apple syrup, cracked ice, slice of orange; stir, serve with small spoon. Cape May Bipsey. Small glass. One spoonful rum, three pieces orange peel, two dashes syrup, cracked ice, squirt of seltzer; stir, serve. Young Love's Dream. [For a Couple.] Mixing glass, extra size. Yolks of two eggs, one lemon squeezed, one spoonful sugar, one drink good whiskey, one- half jigger benedictine, one-half jigger maraschino, one-half jigger curacao, one dash calisaya; fill up with cracked ice; put in pony glass; cream; shake well; strain into fancy glasses; beat up the whites of eggs with a little sugar; place on drink; after straining squeeze orange peel on top. Forest Park. Long glass. Lime juice, seltzer and sugar (spoonful) ; mix well; one-third claret, one-third Santa Cruz, one-third brandy; fill up with cracked ice; shake; dress with fruits in season; serve with straw and spoon. Diarrhoea Mixure. Small glass. One pony brandy, one spoonful sugar; burn both in saucer or cup; have some slices of dried peaches in

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