1898 Mixology; the art of preparing all kinds of drinks ..



Whiskey Smash.. Make the same wav as Brandy Smash, using whiskey instead of brandy. Gin Smash. Make the same way as Brandy Smash, using gin instead of brandy. Rum Smash. Make the same way as Brandy Smash, using rum instead of brandy. You can use Jamaica, Santa Cruz or St. Croix rums. SOURS. One-half tablespoon of sugar, juice of one-half lemon, one wine glass of whiskey, one-half wine glass water; fill glass with ice, stir well, strain into fancy glass, and serve. Gin Sour. Make the same way as Whiskey Sour, using gin instead of whiskey. Brandy Sour. Make the same way as Whiskey Sour, using brandy instead of whiskey. St. Croix Rum Sour. Make the same way as Whiskey Sour, using St. Croix rum instead of whiskey. My Own Sour. Goblet. Squeeze in juice of one lime, a little sugar, a squirt of seltzer (Krause's) ; stir well; one-half glass apple brandy, one-half glass peach brandy, a dash curacoa; stir well, strain into fancy glass, serve with slice of lemon on top of the edge of glass. Southern Whiskey Sour. Goblet with juice of lemon, a little sugar, a squirt of seltzer; mix this ; some lumps of ice, a drink of whiskey (rye or Bour- bon;) stir, strain, with claret floated on top for effect Whiskey Sour. Use large bar glass.

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