1898 Mixology; the art of preparing all kinds of drinks ..

Wm. Lawton, No. 611 Market Street,

Wilmington, Del.,

Z^otel SuLpplies.

China, Glass and Lamps. EE- aOT"W"il]LS, DEALER IN

Butler, Eggs and Cheese, Pure Milk and Cream FROM DuPONT'S DAIRY. 837 KING STREET, Wilming'ton, Del. S500 REWARD For information leading to the recovery of Mr. Welland Strong, who is about the size of a woman and walks with his feet close to the ground. He had on a pair of swallow-tailed pants, a cutaway vest and a fur coat with tripe collar. On his feet he wore a pair of cork top shoes with pat- ent leather bottoms, laced in the back; his whiskers were cut close on the inside, and he said he was going to W. R. Sewardjonsorial Parlor, 400% King St., to get a first-class shave at Union Shop Lteuuis J. Thompson, 212 W. poufth Street, CARPENTER Jobbing Promptly Attended to.

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