1899 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor



Curacoa Punch.

(Use large barglass.) Take one tablespoonful of powdered white sugar, dissolved in a little water. I wineglass of brandy. ^ wineglass of Jamaica rum. Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and ornament with fruits of the season. Serve with a straw. Roman Punch. (Use large barglass.) Take one tablespoonful of powdered white sugar, dissolved in a little water. I tablespoonful of raspberry syrup. Fill with shaved ice, shake well, dash with port wine, and ornament with fruits in season. Serve with a straw. Burnt Brandy. Put I lump sugar in saucer. I jigger brandy. Light it with a match, let it burn for a minute or so, extinguish the flame, put in whiskey-glass and y^, pony-glass of Curagoa. the juice of half a lemon. I teaspoonful of Curafoa.' I wineglass of Jamaica rum. Yz wineglass of brandy, the juice of half a lemon.


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