1899 The Mixicologist by C F Lawlor



"'Oh. take something,' they said; 'take some milk.' "'Well,I guess a glass of milk would go sorter good,' said he. "Some one suggested kumyss,and told him what it was. As they did not have any kumyss in the place they gave him some milk and seltzer. That's about the same thing. One of the boys gave the bartender a wink, and he put a dash of whiskey in it. The old man did not get on to it at all. He thought it was the seltzer that flavored it. The next round the seltzer was left out altogether and more whiskey put in. They kept on giving it to him until he got pretty well set up. It's a very insidious and seductive drink. Pretty soon the countryman got funnj^ and tipped his glass over on the table. As it spread around he said: "'Gosh, it looks like white plush, don't it?' "'So it does,' said the boys. 'Give the gentle man anothei -'ard of white plush, here;' and the name has stucx lO it ever since." Kentucky Toddy. Same as old-fashioned toddj', adding little lemon- peel. Pony Brandy. To serve pony brandy properly, take whiskey glass, set it on counter top downwards, place pony on top, place i small lump ice in a whiskey glass.

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