1900 American-Bar, boissons anglaises et américaines...
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107 124 HO 13U
Gin smash..
Golden slippcr. Gin sanguréc. li cap of comfort. 1l'ish whisky sour. Iri sh whisky tod.dy. Irish whisky fix. .Jersey sour. Knickerhcin. Knickerhokcr. l .. a.dy-of-tl1e-I uk c. Ln.dies blush. Last cfrink. ],en.ve-i t-to-mc . Mnidens p1·11.ycr. Maidens hlush. Micliel's blush. Port wine flip. Prairie oysler. Pousse l'nmour. Nigltt. cnp. . . . Lomon flip.
!j9 !17 :11
76 97
48 :18 1.i~ 1.i4 3:J 4~ :rn !)() !iG fj4 r· ~. -Jd uo 3:l :;n t>7 (10 H
126 127
()4 !H
12!) 1;11 1:12 128 1 :io H7 90
. .
1 :1:3
'134 \
1H Port winc snngarée.
Red li on.
!Ji !j6 70 71 !)9
28 :10 3r· 37 "'
Uum c rusta.
. . .
Rum .tlip.
Rye whisky sour. llyc \vliisk,y toddy. Rum loddy• • llyc whisky flx . .
·H .Hj lt8 .rn HO . - :n 3'>
101 1H 113 i43
Rum fix.
Rum snngarée. Shct'l'y nnd egg.
: '
H2 f'l9 ;9 87 HS
Sherry Il ip.
' ,.
Scotch whisky sour. • Snnliago shukc·up. Scotch wlii sky toddy. Scotch whisky flx . .
:l8 40
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