1900 Cocktail BOOTHBY'S American Bartender ( 2nd edition )



SPICED RUM, HOT. 105. Dissolve a cube ofsugar in a hot-water glass three-quarters full of boiling water, add enough Jamaica rum to nearly £11 the glass, put in some assorted spices and serve. N.B.— A small piece of butter may be added to this drink with the customer's permission.

TAM O'SHANTER. 106. This drink is made thesame as HotWhiskeyPunch,with old Islay whiskey substituted for bourbon whiskey. {See Recipe No. 110.)

TEA PUNCH, HOT. 107. Makea quartofgood,well-steeped tea. Then take alarge punch bowland put in three-quarters ofa pint ofcognac,one-quarter ofa pint of Jamaica rum, the fresh juice offour lemonsandsix heaping tablespoonfuis ofsugar. Set this mix ture on fire and stir rapidly, adding the hot tea slowly the while. A nice way of flavoring this drink is to mash the rinds of the lemons into the sugar with a muddler before placing the sugar in the bowl. When the sugar has absorbed all the moisture from the rinds, throw them away. 108. To make this celebrated beverage, a batter must first be prepared in the fol lowing manner. Procure any number ofeggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites until stiffand the yolks until thin;then pour both to gether into,a large bowl and mix with enough sugarto makea thick paste. Your batter is now ready,so when you wish to make a Tom and Jerry, rinse out a mug, cup or glass with boiling water(thisis done to heatit), place a heaping teaspoon- ful of the batter into the hot mug(mugs are generally used to serve this drink), add ajigger of cognac and a dash ofSt. Croix rum,fill the glass with hot milk (some use hot water), and stir until the batter is all dissolved, grate nutmeg on top and serve. N.B.—A half teaspoonful ofcarbonate ofsoda stirred into Tom and Jeny batter will keep it sweet and prevent the sugar fiom settling to the bottom of the bowl. TOM AND JERRY.

WATER. HOT. 109. Place a spoon in a hot-water glass full of boiling water and serve. Dys peptics claim this as a great relieffor their affliction.

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