1900 Cocktail BOOTHBY'S American Bartender ( 2nd edition )




FOB A PABTY. i*lace six tablespoonfuls ofsugar in a punch bowl and add thejuice of six lemons and a small bottle of plain soda. Stir until dissolved, add a jigger ofcr^me de vanille and one and one-half bottles of good claret. Stir, decorate, ice and servein thin glassware. A pint of champagne poured over this punch just before serving is a great benefit to the flavor and adds life to it wMch it would not otherwise possess.

CREAM PUNCH. 229. Into a large mixing-glass place a dessertspoonful ofsugar, ajigger of cog nac,a dash ofSt. Croix rum and some fineice. Fill the glass with fresh cream, shake thoroughly,grate nutmeg over the top and serve with straws.

DRY PUNCH. 230. Into a punch bowl place eight tablespoonfuls of sugar, the juice of ten limes, a jiggerful of Curapoa and a quart of tea. Stir until the sugar is dis solved, add a bottle ofcognac and a large piece of ice*; decorate and serve in thin glassware. This punch may be bottled and kept for any length oftime, and is said to improve with age. It is a very strong beverage,however; and a bottle of Apollinaris should be served with this punch (on the side),sothat any member ofthe party who does not desire to partake ofsuch anintoxicating mixture can dilute his drink with the queen of table waters.

FIRST INFT. REGT., N. G. C., PUNCH. 231. Into a large punch bowl place one pound ofsugar and the fresh Juice of twenty limes. Add twojiggers of crfime de vanille, one jigger of maraschino, onejigger of Curagoa and a quart of Apollinaris. Stir until the sugar is tho roughly dissolved. Add two quarts of champagne and a half bottle of good cognac. Stir well, place a large lump ofice in the bowl and decorate with sliced pineapples,sliced seedless oranges, a few strawberries and a few sprigs of mint. Serve in thin glassware.

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