1900 Cocktail BOOTHBY'S American Bartender ( 2nd edition )



274. BRANDY SHRUB. Into a vessel containing two quarts ofcognac, place the juice of six good Sicily lemons and the peel of three. Cover for a few days, and add one quart ofsherry and one and a half pounds ofsugar. Strain through a jelly bag,and then bottle.

275. CHERRY SHRUB. Place any quantity of cherries in an earthen pot, and place this pot in a large kettle of water. Cook over slow fire until all the juice is subtracted from the fhiit; strain through muslin bag,sweeten to taste, and bottle with a glass ofany kind ofliquor in each bottle.

276. CURRANT SHRUB. To one pint ofcurrantjuice add sweetening to taste. Boil gently for five or six minutes,skimming the while. When luke-warm add a wineglassful of liquor(whichever kind you prefer), and bottle.



To one quart ofthe juice ofsour oranges add sugar to taste and one quart ofJamaica rum. This drink mxist be put away in a cool place for some weeks before using, as it improves with age.

278. SHRUBS OF ALL KINDS May be properly prepared by substituting one liquor or one kind of frmt for another,and following the directions in the preceding recipes.

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