1891 Cocktail Botthby's American Bar-Tender

MISCELLANEOUS DRINKS. ---···- -----------·------

202. SODA AND SYRUP. Place a piece of ice and a dash of raspberry syrup in a medium-size glass; fill up with sweet soda and serve after stirring.

203. STARS AND STRIPES. The English name for a pousse cafe. The idea of calling this populnr French beverage by such a name originated once when a wag became intoxi– cated by an over-indulgence in these enticing mixtures, and declared thnt before partaking he had observed the most beautiful stripes, but afterward all he could see wns stars. Hence the name "Stars and Stripes." (See Recipe No. 189.)

STICK. A stick is a dash of whiskey added to any temperance drink.


205. STONE FENCE. Into a small bar glass place a piece of ice and a jigger of whiskey, fill the glass with good cider and serve.



Another name for a Stone Fence.

207. SUNRISE. Half fill a sherry glass with lime juice cordial and then carefully pour good cognac down the side of the glass until full. The cognac is set on fire before serving to destroy the fusil oil in the liquor. Always be careful not to allow the ingredients to run together, keeping the brandy on top.

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