1891 Cocktail Botthby's American Bar-Tender


BRANDY SOUR. 290. In the West it is customary to put a little lime juice in a small bar glasfl with a spoon ; this is placed in front of the customer with the brandy bottle at his right hand, so he can help himself, and icc water is served on the side. Thi& is not a Brandy Sour, however, as the following directions for making that celebrated Eastern beverage will show : Dissolve in a medium-size mixing-glass one dessertspoonftll of sugar, the juice of one good lemon, a squirt of syphon seltzer, and a jigger of the de– sired liquor. Nearly fill the glass with cracked ice, stir and strain into punch glass, decorate and serve.

GIN SOUR. 291. Make the same as Brandy Sour with Holland gin substituted for brandy.

RUM: SOUR. 292. Make the same as Brandy Sour, with Jamaica. rum substituted for brandy.

ST. OB.OIX SOUR. 293. Make the same as Brandy Sour,with St. Croix rum Btlbstituted fur brandy.

WHISKEY SOUR. 294. Make the same as Brandy Sour, with whiskey substituted for brandy.

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