1891 Cocktail Botthby's American Bar-Tender


VII. If you are troubled with sore feet, bathe them re,<7Ularly. A void patched or ragged hosiery, and wear a comfortable shoe with a heavy sole. Light soles, low-cut shoes or slippers should never be worn behind a bar.

VIII. Keep the floor behind the bar as dry as possible. It not only looks bet– ter, but you will find your health greatly improved by following this rule. Many bartenders contract rheumatism, neuralgia and many other serious com– plaints through carelessness in this respect. IX. After using a bottle or tool always replace it before doing anything else. Make this a rule that should never be broken; and, when you are rushed with business, you will never be compelled to hunt for this or that, but you will always know just where it is. X. After a party has finished drinking, remove the glassware from the bar a& soon as possible, and dry and polish the bar top immediately, never allowing u particle of moisture to remain. 'fhls is a very important rule.

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