1891 Cocktail Botthby's American Bar-Tender

THE VIN BRUT, The highest grade of Champagne without sweetness. For Sale by Hll First-class Wif)e .Mercl(af)ts af)d Grocers. JAMES DE FREMERY & CO., General Agents for the Pacific Coast. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. NATHAN, DOHRMANN & CO., The ll&l'gest f{ouse in Cl'oekel'y, China and Gl&ssw&l'e on the Paeifie Co&st.



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Send for our Illustmted Catalo,que of Ba1· Fixtu'res. F1·ee by .llfa-il on Application. NATitAW, DOHRMANN & CO., IMPORTERS, t.u"'!J:;l, Satter Street, below Kearny, Sao Frau.elaeo, Cal.

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